--- hide-toc: true --- # Welcome to installer's documentation ```{include} ../README.md :start-after: :end-before: ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: concepts ``` ```{toctree} :caption: API reference :hidden: :glob: api/* ``` ```{toctree} :caption: CLI reference :hidden: :glob: cli/* ``` ```{toctree} :caption: Project :hidden: development/index changelog license GitHub PyPI ``` ## Basic Usage ```python import sys import sysconfig from installer import install from installer.destinations import SchemeDictionaryDestination from installer.sources import WheelFile # Handler for installation directories and writing into them. destination = SchemeDictionaryDestination( sysconfig.get_paths(), interpreter=sys.executable, script_kind="posix", ) with WheelFile.open("sampleproject-1.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl") as source: install( source=source, destination=destination, # Additional metadata that is generated by the installation tool. additional_metadata={ "INSTALLER": b"amazing-installer 0.1.0", }, ) ```