
This page describes the tooling used during development of this project. It also serves as a reference for the various commands that you would use when working on this project.


This project uses the GitHub Flow for collaboration. The codebase is Python.

  • flit is used for automating development tasks.

  • nox is used for automating development tasks.

  • pre-commit is used for running the linters.

  • sphinx is used for generating this documentation.

  • pytest is used for running the automated tests.

Repository Layout#

The repository layout is pretty standard for a modern pure-Python project.




  • .nox/ – Generated by nox.

  • dist/ – Generated as part of the release process.

  • docs/ – Sources for the documentation.

  • src/

    • installer/ – Actual source code for the package

  • tests/ – Automated tests for the package.

  • – for nox.

  • pyproject.toml – for packaging and tooling configuration.

Initial Setup#

To work on this project, you need to have git 2.17+ and Python 3.7+.

  • Clone this project using git:

    git clone
    cd installer
  • Install the project’s main development dependencies:

    pip install nox

You’re all set for working on this project.


Code Linting#

nox -s lint

Run the linters, as configured with pre-commit.


nox -s test

Run the tests against all supported Python versions, if an interpreter for that version is available locally.

nox -s test-3.9

Run the tests against Python 3.9. It is also possible to specify other supported Python versions (like 3.7 or pypy3).


nox -s docs

Generate the documentation for installer into the build/docs folder. This (mostly) does the same thing as nox -s docs-live, except it invokes sphinx-build instead of sphinx-autobuild.

nox -s docs-live

Serve this project’s documentation locally, using sphinx-autobuild. This will open the generated documentation page in your browser.

The server also watches for changes made to the documentation (docs/), which will trigger a rebuild. Once the build is completed, server will automagically reload any open pages using livereload.

Release process#

  • Update the changelog.

  • Update the version number in

  • Commit these changes.

  • Create a signed git tag.

  • Run flit publish.

  • Update the version number in

  • Commit these changes.

  • Push tag and commits.